Human Anatomy and Physiology
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Science Curriculum Standards
3251 - Human Anatomy and Physiology Internet Resources
- Blood Vessels - Description and diagrams of the main types of blood vessels.
- Blood Vessels Lesson - Lesson plan with objectives to know the different types of blood vessels, the function of the blood vessels and then draw the blood vessels and label it.
- Different Types of Blood Vessels - Article explaining the various types of blood vessels within the circulatory system.
- Lesson: Blood and Circulation - Interactive lesson that has great animations and is narrated. Requires Flash plug-in.
- Lesson Presentation - PowerPoint providing lessons for students to do to learn the blood vessels, blood types and the path that blood travels.
- Quiz on Blood Vessels - Interactive quiz. Click a question card and then the correct answer card. Quiz can also be printed.
- Three Types of Blood Vessels - Description and animation of the blood vessels.
- Types of Blood Vessels - Diagram labeling the types of blood vessels as well as a description of the types. Click on each type for more information and diagrams on that particular blood vessel.
- Types of Blood Vessels Video - Video showing animations of the types of blood vessels with explanations.
- Anatomy of the Blood Vessels - PowerPoint slides describing the major blood vessels including the major arteries and major veins.
- Arteries - Video describing the arteries of the heart and the function.
- Arteries and Valves - 2 videos identifying the arteries.
- Artery Structure - Diagrams and information identifying the various types of arteries.
- Heart Anatomy - Video with lifelike diagrams and a narration of what is occurring during the blood flow with identification of arteries, veins and more.
- Lesson Presentation - PowerPoint providing lessons for students to do to learn the blood vessels, blood types and the path that blood travels.
- Veins - Diagram and information identifying the various types of veins.
- Veins Video - Video description and identification of the veins.
- Blood Components - Description of the components. Includes a video for an animated view of components.
- What Runs Through My Veins - Lesson on understanding components of blood, how to use a microscope and the importance of stem cells.
- Explore Blood - Numerous lesson plans and assignment sheets to print off.
- Quiz on Blood - Click on a question card and then the correct answer card. Recommended for 5th - 8th grade.
- What is Blood? - Video narration with animations and explanations of the components of blood.
- Key Components of Blood - Outline description of each with a diagram.
- ABO Blood Type Quiz - McGraw-Hill interactive quiz with animation. Need RealPlayer for animation.
- ABO Blood Types Worksheet - Lesson and activity on ABO blood types, blood transfusions and blood antibodies.
- Blood Agglutination - Using templates provided in the activity, students will construct models of the antibodies present in A, B, AB and O blood types.
- Quiz on Blood Groups - Click on a question card and then the correct answer card. Recommended for 7th - 12th grade.
- Blood Types - Video explaining why we have different blood types and a description of the four types.
- Assemble the Human Heart - Excellent! Drag and drop "heart parts" into their proper position on the diagram. Place cursor over each part to learn about its function.
Heart Valves - Video with diagrams of the different valves. ![]()
- Human Heart Quiz #1 -Click on a question card and then the correct answer card. Recommended for 5th - 8th grade.
- Human Heart Quiz #2 - Click on a question card and then the correct answer card. Recommended for 7th -12th grade.
- Human Heart Quiz #3 - Click on a question card and then the correct answer card. Recommended for 7th - 12th grade.
- Label the Diagram of the Heart - Interactive activity. The green dot is the pointer for the area to label. Drag the label to the green dot to see if you got it correct.
- The Heart - Diagram and labels of the heart.
- The Heart - Video explanations and diagrams.
- Cardiac Cycle - Tutorial on the events of the cardiac cycle. Includes quiz.
- Cardiac Cycle #2 - From Wikibooks. Describes the various phases in the cycle and the events that occur in each.
- Cardiovascular Physiology - Lab exercise describing the cardiovascular system. Includes detailed picture tutorial on how to measure and monitor your pulse.
- Circulatory System - Lesson on topics including the heart, blood vessels, cardiac output and blood pressure, blood cells and homeostasis.
- The Heart and Cardiac Output - Lesson with quiz.
- All About Blood Pressure - Lesson and quiz.
- Cardiovascular Physiology - Lab exercise describing the cardiovascular system. Includes detailed picture tutorial on how to measure and monitor your pulse.
- Keep on Pumping - Class lesson where students will measure and calculate heart rates per minute and for other units of time. They will determine the amount of blood pumped by their heart during various intervals of time
- How to Measure Blood Pressure - Step-by-step instructions as well as the do's and don't.
- Pulse and Blood Pressure - Lab lesson to help students practice taking pulse and blood pressure. Includes activity sheet to allow students to formulate and test hypotheses.
- Pulse of Life - Class lesson with an objective that students will measure their pulse rate and explore how heart rate is affected by various activities.
- Heart Circulation Model - Excellent site! Very interactive! Place the "heart events" into proper order by numbering them in order of occurrence, 1-5. When done, click "Activate" to see an animation of the heart circulating blood. If a mistake was made in the ordering, the heart model will stop building at the point of error and the correct answer can then be chosen.
- Path of a Red Blood Cell - Video animation of the path of a red blood cell.
- Go With The Flow - Lesson with the objective for students to name and locate the major areas and structures of the heart and trace the pathway of the blood through the heart, lungs, and body.
- How Does The Human Circulatory System Work? -
- Human Heart - Very detailed diagram of blood flow.
- The Circulatory System Activity - Print off the lesson. Label the diagram and then read the step-by-step pathway of blood and what occurs.
- Carbon Dioxide Transport - Description of the hemoglobin molecule and carbon dioxide transport.
- Gas Transport in Blood - Explains how hemoglobin is the primary means by which blood is used to transport oxygen.
- Hemoglobin - From Wikipedia.
- Hemoglobin and Myoglobin - Explains the binding of oxygen between the two.
- Homeostasis and Respiratory Physiology - Explains how gas transport maintains homeostasis.
- Oxygen Transport - Description of the hemoglobin molecule and oxygen transport.
- Human Immune System - Lesson outlining the functions and characteristics of the immune system.
- Immune System - Non-specific and specific defense mechanisms to fight invaders.
- Immune System Flash Cards - From Quizlet.
- Operation Antibody - Lesson on the mechanisms of the immune system and the responses at the cellular level.
- Protecting the Body - Mechanisms by which the immune system protects the body from potentially harmful substances.
- Human Defense Against Infection - Describes the composition of the 3 layers of defenses, nonspecific, body fluid, and cell-mediated defenses.
- Nonspecific Defense - Explanation of the nonspecific defenses of the body.
- Nonspecific Defense Host - Lecture material, vocabulary words and questions/answers on the nonspecific defenses.
- Nonspecific Defenses - A summary of the defenses and the factors.
- Second Line of Defense - From Wikipedia.
- The Inflammatory Response - Describes the nonspecific defenses the body produces.
- 13 Symptoms That Point to a Weak Immune System
- Seeking Immune System Balance - Article identifying what is needed for the immune system to remain balanced.
- The Many Causes of Immune Deficiency - Describes the most common causes for immune system imbalance.
- Underlying Causes - Listing of diseases and disorders that can cause imbalance. Click on the disease/disorder to find out more about it.
- Weakened Immune System - Causes and development of a weakened immune system and the treatment and prevention.
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